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Student Driver Information

Student Driver Policy, Rules and Application

The Board regards the use of motor vehicles for travel to and from school by students as an assumption of responsibility by parents/guardians and students. Student driving is a privilege, not a right. During school hours student driving is limited to the Albert Gallatin Senior High School only.
The Board shall permit the use of motor vehicles by secondary students in accordance with district rules, provided that such students are licensed drivers and have been granted permission by their parents/guardians to drive to school. Students must also receive permission from the building principal and/or Chief of Police/Security for operation of a motor vehicle on school grounds.[1]
The Board prohibits the use of motorcycles, bicycles, mini-bikes or other unlicensed vehicles for travel to and from school by students.
The Board shall not be responsible for motor vehicles that may be lost, stolen, or damaged while on school district property.
Delegation of Responsibility
The school district's Chief of Police/Security, along with the building principal, shall develop rules and regulations for student drivers and for operating and parking of motor vehicles, and those rules shall be disseminated to the student driver and his/her parents/guardians.
The school district's Chief of Police/Security, along with the building principal, shall establish standards for granting driving permits, which contain the warning that an infraction of the rules and regulations may result in suspension or revocation of the driving permit.
Basic Parking Permit Rules
The Board establishes the following basic rules for student drivers, along with the rules and regulations contained on the student driver permit application:
  1. All student drivers will park in the parking lot designated for them.
  2. All student drivers will complete an application and have the permission form signed by their parent/guardian for a school parking permit.
  3. All student drivers will display a valid parking permit at all times while parked on school district property during normal school hours.
  4. All student drivers will obey the posted speed limits and other traffic rules and regulations to and from school. Violations may result in suspension and/or revocation of the student driving permit.
  5. The student driving permit will cost $100.00 for the full year and will be prorated after October 1.