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Colonial Online Academy (COLA) Sign-Up - 2nd Nine Weeks
Please complete all information correctly and accurately to NEWLY enroll your child in the Albert Gallatin Area School District cyber program. If you are currently enrolled on our COLA program, you DO NOT need to complete this form. The deadline for the COLA registration is October 16, 2024 at 2:00PM.


Senior "To Do" List

1.     Start applying to the College, Business or Trade schools in which you are interested, even if you haven’t yet taken   the SAT or ACT. You will need a transcript sent. Let Guidance know when you have been accepted.

2.     Do the FAFSA ( Free Application for Federal Student Aid ) at  Completing the FAFSA is required in order   to be considered for financial aid if you are going to college. October 1, 2018 is the official start date to begin this   process. Use the 2019-2020 form.

3.     Register for the S.A.T. at or the ACT test at  You can apply to college   without taking these tests but you will need to take one or the other in order to be accepted. A wallet size   picture will be needed when registering, come to the Guidance Office for more information.

4.     Apply for Scholarships – Use the school web site:  -  Go to the guidance icon to see available     scholarships. Applications for some scholarships can be found at the guidance office. Also,   use to create a personal online college and career planning profile.  Also, develop   a RESUME with all school activities, such as, clubs, sports, any office held, community service, work experiences   etc. See Guidance for assistance.

5.     Other scholarship   sites: www.finaid.or    g/scholarships 

6.     Complete the Career Readiness Portfolio Checklist - needed to graduate.


8.     See the GUIDANCE OFFICE for assistance if you have any further questions.

9.     As a senior, if you plan on playing a sport in college, you must register with the NCAA at:   center.  On the S.A.T. TEST and ACT TEST registration - use code 9999 to have your scores sent automatically to the   NCAA.

10. Male students must register with the Selective Service in order to receive federal aid. If you are male, age 18-25, you can register at: Do it as soon as possible.

                                                            ALWAYS LISTEN TO THE DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR MORE INFO